Sales this good are super rare on Clips4sale, so enjoy up to 20% off all my clips on Clips4sale in any of my stores! The site is taking it out of their cut, so binge away on some clips you’ve been eyeing and enjoy! The sale continues until December 3rd, so don’t miss out! Visit my main Clips4sale clip store today and don’t forget to browse my archived stores, there’s thousands of clips for you to search for your perfect fantasy.
Don’t miss out on these great savings and spoil yourself this Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend! Did you get my last newsletter with the great deals that are going on on my Onlyfans and Loyalfans? Check the post here!
My Onlyfans subscribers will get the best custom video deal that I will probably EVER offer, so be sure to join and look for that, the offer expires November 27.
You work hard, you deserve some special treats too, and what better way to be decadent than with your favourite fetish porn? Clips4sale is offering up to 20% off orders, and 10% off all orders! I’ve been making such great new content, come try it out and let me know what you think!
Most of my holiday clips are 50% off on Manyvids! Be sure to check out my store and use the drop down menu to look for sale clips.
Also, Manyvids is offering a special Black Friday sale on clips on November 24 and 25, 10% off on all clips on the site! If you order using my promo code you will save 35% on clips during those two days! I hope you’ll feel inspired to binge and also try out some of my festive clips from years past.
I have a promo code for use on my clips, membership, store items (like panties, socks, shoes and more) and MV club, it is the same promo code from my recent email but I increased and extended it! MV Black Friday Promo Code: Sop47192. My promo code expires at the end of Cyber Monday, or November 27, 11:59pm ET.
Is Clips4sale, the original fetish clip site, one of your favourite places to get your kinky porn? It is my favourite site and it has the most of my content on it out of all of them. There is a flash pre-Black Friday sale on now, but it is only on for two days!
If you spend $30 or more you get a 10% discount, and the discount is on them! I just wanted to let you know, in case you were considering a lil mini binge on my store. I have been creating some really fun videos too, here are some of my favourites that you should check out.
In “Shrink Shrinks You 1 & 2” I play a therapist who is fed up with my male patients, and I decide to fire them in a unique way. I invite you all to a group therapy session and convince you all to undergo an experimental hypnosis session. (Did you know that on clip sites we can’t use the word hypnosis anymore due to Visa and Mastercard regulations? Look for keywords like “trance” and “mesmerize” instead.) Shrinking and crushing ensue under my heels and pantyhose feet. You can buy these clips separately or save a couple bucks by purchasing the whole long clip.
In “Confiscated 1 & Confiscated 2” I play an airport security guard who confiscates passenger’s sex toys…only to end up using them on herself. She couldn’t resist the lure of the unusual vibrator and the realistic BBC dildo. Between the two videos, I cum 3x, wet, creamy, and squirting! The full video will be available soon, but for now these clips are available individually.