
My name is Sophia Sylvan. I’m a genuine lover of BDSM and fetish. I have been an active member of sexual subcultures (the sex work and BDSM communities) for over two decades.  I started out as a professional switch, before moving to professional online sexual exploration, first as a cam girl and then as an independent fetish model and content creator.

My personal kinks and sexual interests include many aspects of BDSM (I enjoy being both on the top or bottom) and many fetishes.  I’m bisexual and I enjoy men and women sexually (sometimes at the same time). I love to dress for sex and I have a good collection of fetish clothing.  My current obsessions are high heels, nylons, satin, lingerie, and roleplay outfits.

I’m exceptionally good at ad libbing your fantasies via dirty talk, some taboo fantasies, roleplay and more. I also really enjoy being your muse and trying out various kinks and fetishes through producing custom videos, which has become my specialty. I’m highly intuitive and I know how to get inside your head. 

I take pride in producing high quality fetish material and responding to my fans with empathy and an open mind. I love to hear feedback from my customers and fans about my work so don’t hesitate to reach out!  I am a one woman operation, performing in, editing, directing etc. all of my own material. I always answer my own messages as well. Occasionally I work with other models, lovers, or friends. I’m open to content trade with other fetish models, so feel free to get in touch.

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